Saturday, May 14, 2016

I had a bowl I fixed for breakfast that was good enough to mention:

grollet (soaked before steaming, with yellow yeast cooked in)
cold baked potato  (incl. skin, of course)
picante sauce
fresh tomato
ginger powder
black pepper

I might have had some broccoli in there

Anyway, bowls are great when you feel like having grains but don't want to just sit and gnaw on grollet, or eat bread (a sandwich).

I like bowls better than sandwiches anyway.  or wraps or burros or what have you.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

I was making grollet and mistook the nutritional (yellow) yeast for amaranth and poured it in.  Turned out tasty - ate it all in one day.

Just finished a breakfast combo that is noteworthy good:  Grollet, cottage cheese, carrot.