Sunday, October 13, 2024


 When I was young I salted most things. I couldn't stand oatmeal without salt. I salted the crap out of soup that my mom made. I salted my baked potato and butter. I salted my eggs. I salted most things one would normally salt.

Not so much the last 20 years or more. Now only one thing do I salt or add salt to, when cooking or eating: I salt a beef steak when I fry it. Everything else, like the popcorn my wife prepares, which she has to salt, I just really do not notice a difference any more. So I don't use it. Why eat  it if you don't notice the difference? So I don't. 

I don't notice a difference between salted and not salted butter. So I ask h e r to buy unsalted. But she always goes back to getting it salted.

I get my Iodide in the oligo-fructose multivitamin I take  each morning.

My brother for years had a thing against salt, which made him cough. He ended up with a thyroid problem for lack of iodide.

I have no medical or physical reason at all for avoiding salt. Just don't need it or want it except on my steak, which I have about once every 10 years. So far. Watch me start having it every week.