Friday, February 27, 2009

Great Source for Calcium

For a couple of years, all I ate for lunch was a handful of raw, dry almonds and one or two large raw leaves of collard greens. These were organic greens, either from the store or that I grew myself. I had collards growing and supplying me every day all the way to Christmas before they finally froze. I was picking them out in the snow.

Anyway, during this time, my nails were a real pain. I had to keep trimming them all the time. But it was kind of nice because they were also very thick and strong.

But they were also ribbed. A friend expressed her concern that I was calcium deficient because ribbed nails were an indication. Shoot, I thought I was the opposite and that the ribs were just extra nail material, since my nails were so thick and strong and growing like crazy. Anyone have any insight to this?

Well, if I was not calcium deficient, you might want to try it yourself, but make sure you eat your collards raw and chew slow and enjoy it, or it won't taste good. Also, do not attempt this with ordinary grocery store collards; they pr'y don't have any calcium in them and they are awful to eat, in comparison with the huge, thick, green ones at the organic store. Plus, the ones I grew were smaller and hotter and I did not like them as well. Look for the huge variety. Whatever you do, never attempt to eat a collard green if it is not extremely green. When they start to go yellow, they really lose their appeal.

I have heard that sesame seeds are another great source of calcium. Is that true? I don't eat almonds anymore, just because of my sugar.