Monday, July 27, 2009

Breakfast Update

Early on, I logged everything I was eating to give you an idea, but it has evolved and although I have written about it, I think it good to give a summary of my current diet.

Here are my main staples of late: Romaine, collards, rutabaga, juice, sunflower seeds, sprouted mix of millet, spelt and barley. I have never really given a recipe for the juice I have been doing. It really tastes super to me; I crave it and look forward to it every day. So here's an actual recipe, as exact as I ever do it:

6-10 carrots
yam about the size of a hockey puck
fresh ginger root about the size of a 25 cent bubble gum ball or jaw-breaker (if they are still 25 cents)
1 whole broccoli stalk and head
a few collard leaves
1 heaping dinner plate of wheat grass

Sometimes I put a little of this or that also, but that is basically it. Don't always use collards either. This morning's breakfast was particularly delicious and perfect.

The above is true of the last few months whether or not I was also eating a lot of peanut butter and cream and cheese and such. Since getting back on the wagon about 4 days ago, and remembering what I had said earlier about loving good food and not rewarding yourself with bad food but rather never take a break from the good, and thinking I should be more strict, I have not had anything but superfood. I have also been following the 6:00 pm rule and fasting after that, sometimes after 5:00 pm or so. In addition to the main staples above, I still eat everything else good I ever mentioned too, but not all the time like those above. For those who are just getting on board, I am not a vegetarian. Most of the time I look like one, but I do not believe in abstinence from animal products. I have continued, since writing about it, total abstinence from almonds. When I get even better, I probably will return to eating soaked almonds, but don't hold your breath because I'm afraid eating soaked ones will lead to popping a dry one here and there. They really put my sugar up for some reason, as does white flour and grapefruit.

Since getting on the wagon, I can tell my sugar has been around 95, but I am thinking if I am going to the trouble of this blog, I really should be testing and reporting my sugars on a daily basis so I have some credibility. So I am thinking of investing in some strips but haven't bought them yet. I should also reiterate that I have never been so not hungry. And that most people think when they half-listen to what I am saying that I am saying I have my sugar under control and/or that I am starving. Actually, compared to the average person, I am the opposite of starving and rather than having my sugar under control, my body does it for me, like any other non-diabetic person, except that I am recovering and still need to be more careful than the bullet-proof folks. In fact, if I ever get into the old habits of eating, it only makes obvious sense that even if I were FULLY recovered from the disease, I would contract it again easier than before because I am much older now. This does not mean to me that I am really normally diabetic - not by a long shot, for this reason: The old way of eating is far from normal; the way I eat now is normal. When you eat normal, you generally heal. From any disease, God willing. And for God to be willing is the normal thing to expect. Dying should be the special case.

All you have to do to see how honest an effort the medical researchers (and/or those who should apply their results) are making to cure people is to look at a hospital patient breakfast lunch and dinner menu. Especially if you have taken time to really read my entire blog and/or what some doctors have written on the subject, such as Reversing Syndrome X.

Of course, if your job is to come up with a pill that cures or bandaids something, that is your expertise and your job. And if that's what the market demands, your job is intact. So whose fault is it if people don't know about nutrition? All I know is, all people, including me, do not appreciate how important it is. Without this disease, I never would have learned first hand what I do know, even though I had quite an appreciation that I learned from my parents.

I can see (and I see it all the time) how people could half listen to what I am saying and dismiss it. I cannot see how they could carefully read it and not agree that it is pretty big news. I do know what it is like to be so ingrained with one's current diet to be unable (in 12 years anyway) to dare to think of having to give it up. Most people do not dare to even go near such thoughts. I was pretty shaken when I started out, just having been diagnosed, even though I had already for years intended to someday eat like my dad and try to avoid cancer. It still scared me to think I had no choice any more. And then for the next 12 years, off and on, I continued to eat all the same old stuff. When the neuropathy started getting to be a significant pain, I was down to only needing a nip or two of insulin shot, so it all worked out. I said, I like good food and I like feeling good, so why not just forget all the concocted stuff and make closure? Plus, at the time, I had lost my medical benefits and was motivated to save on diabetic supplies and so forth.

Having said all this today, I bet you I can go until tomorrow and beyond without crashing and doing the opposite of what I said, as has been my tendency. You know, like every time I say I don't eat bread, that night I do just that - that sort of thing.

This leads into the answer to the question, if you say how wonderful real food tastes and all that, why are you still tempted to eat some of the same old stuff? It's psychological, you know. Like how I fall off the wagon (as just described) just because I say something. There's always temptation. Even though the good and real food tastes better and satisfies better, you still remember the old comfort food wasn't bad - you really enjoyed it. And you would still enjoy it as a change of pace, having not had it so long. On the other hand, long abstinence has sometimes made me go years and years with not caring at all about certain junk foods or even peanut butter. But anyway, just because you like Food A better than Food B, doesn't guarantee you will always be in the mood for just Food A. There may be times when you are too lazy to go get Food A and there's a party going on and every one's eating Food B, which is pretty tasty if you're in the know what I mean. But the morning (or even minute) after ALWAYS votes for Food A next time. I am pretty much incapacitated from work and movement when I overeat or do Food B, insulin shot or not. With Food A, I am like in my 20's again - no exaggeration.