I have been just eating whatever I feel like and that has not included much juice or fresh vegetables. I have been using a lot of insulin and not exercising at all. Just working and looking for work. I used nearly a whole insulin vial since the first of October.
This morning I prayed the Lord to help me get it together again.
I didn't feel like eating until about 7 pm and then I really felt like it. But I had to go help my wife and I just had an orange and got back to start breakfast at 8:30 pm. And guess what, I was hungry for Juice!
I got back and had carrot/wheatgrass/sukosh broccoli/half a mac juice with unsprouted sunflower seeds. I then had some roasted peanuts and milk and then some mozzarella cheese and a couple of cranberries. No shot. I gotta say wow, there are recipes of putting things together that go together okay, and taste great, but then some things combine to produce a truly unique and savory flavor that really strike a chord. Kind of like how Lennon/McCartney could produce melody after melody that were special, that really struck a chord, compared to John Tesh, whose thing was to compose music, and it was fine and he was good, but...... So my secret recipe for banana shake is one, and the way a mac apple makes the wheatgrass juice foam is another. Even my kids love it. So that's it folks: carrots, wheatgrass and an apple. If you don't feel confident experimenting with the amounts, just comment and I'll ask my wife and write it. I have a twin gear juicer. It will not stain or build up residue or scum if you put the carrots through first, grass second, a little bit of broccoli third (that's what really cleans the grass juice), and apple last - if you include an apple. I don't always.
Then the kids and I held a dance.
After the dance, I measured my sugar at 230 and took 3 units. It all felt really good compared to how I have been. Who knows, maybe I'll get back on and feel good again and be free.
No duh what? No duh this: D A N C I N G . And come to think of it, singing too. But you know? Dancing is a major factor in what this blog is about: healing. Don't know why I never yet mentioned it - or did I?