This is more a note to self.
I find I still (but not lately) think and worry toward the end of some meals, usually dinner, sometimes lunch, that if I don't eat a little more, it will not carry me through the evening or through some work I am about to do.
Supper tends to be bigger than the others. This has always been true.
It's like I don't quite believe my creed. It's like, don't eat more'n you need - except at supper.
And just the life-long habit of feasting and grazing drives it too, but it's that one little thought I caught myself thinking, "Better have a little more to carry me through." "How can I possibly make it till tomorrow on just this little appetizer - why, it's no larger than lunch!"
I got off of this over the last week or 2 and absolved the contradiction. Instead of enough at supper not carrying me through, obviously, as I teach and preach, it made me stronger and perkier without any hunger involved.
Years ago, when I first started eating just enough, not tons, I found I did pretty fine for a couple of weeks and then, as if I had not been eating enough, I would have a day when I felt I just needed to gorge and catch up. It always went that way. But I think that was due to novice not eating quite enough sometimes, also just plain being driven by the old habit from time to time. It is clear that long-time habits are very powerful, to the point of your body feeling like they are right.
There is a seeming paradox there. If my main message is to follow the appetite, what about when I feel powerfully driven to eat that french toast? Well, that's easy, especially if you read this entire blog and pay attention. When I say appetite, I do not mean urge. I do not mean habit. I do not mean stimulation from restaurant visuals, atmosphere and odors. I am only talking about the pure what and how much your body will tell you when un-fettered and not stimulated by artificial stimuli and bad habits.
The appetite can only function in a bland, natural environment - bland by most cultures' standards, but not bland to the user.
One example of a bad habit in my opinion is bread. Man has had this bad habit since before the Egyptians. Cook your grain, throw it in with your omelet, your soup, your salad, if you like, but sprout it first, and don't grind it up.