Monday, November 19, 2012


Had an unprecedented episode last night. Sugar spiked high and wouldn't come down with an extra last shot. First time that's ever happened at all. Two more big shots and it still wouldn't come down. One last shot and it finally came down. Never happened before. Can't say what could have caused it. I was being pretty good yesterday. But I can say I have been using more insulin lately. Going to try to tighten it up and be careful and hope it will pass. Although unprecedented by insulin-related developments, this reminds me of the time I first had to go onto insulin. It used to be that if my sugar ever spiked, I would go for a jog and it would be down to normal upon my return. Then one day it spiked, I ran 4 miles to the YMCA, swam a mile, and checked my sugar. Still about 350. Nothing like it had happened before. So I went to the doc and he put me on insulin. So what now? More insulin? We shall see. I have always simply taken as much as I needed but if this continues, it would mean more than quadrupling my insulin all in one day.