Monday, June 3, 2013
The Good and the Bad of Genetic Engineering
In reading up on genetically engineered canola oil, I learned that a former classmate works for Gentech, a company born of one of the original genetic engineers. Gentech uses genetic engineering for pharmaceutical (wow, spelled that one right on the first try! Since spell checkers, I have learned I am not a great speller. I usually try at least 5 times to get the checker to agree with me and I usually have to give up and go look it up. Before spell checkers, I could usually spell anything) purposes. Then I learned that my external insulin is a product of genetic engineering. I don't know what life would be like if I had to use the old insulin from pigs they had to offer before this new stuff that I use, but I understand it didn't work as well. And I know that without insulin shots of any kind, I would be dead. So I am glad to have my humalog, but I see no need to re-engineer my food, thank you. So as with any other new development (e.g., television, computers, ICEs, etc.), good and evil will come of genetic engineering, and those who try to stop its perpetuation will fail. In saying this, I am making the simplistic assumption that my Type I diabetes is a natural anomaly, not caused in the first place by GMOs or the things of similar spirit provided by the make-a-buck food industry.
But I never think about what may have caused my diabetes. I only thank God for being mindful of every little chemical reaction that takes place in my body and for standing at my shoulder through it all. In my first year or two of having the condition, I had looked forward to being completely cured and at times thought that it had already happened. But having had it 17 years, and learning and growing from it that long, although I wouldn't mind being cured now or any time future, I realize I would not trade the experience of having diabetes for anything. I thank God I was not completely cured overnight as I had initially hoped. Just like, I suppose, the old man who stood up in the back of the church during a discussion of the hardships endured by the handcart pioneers that apparently had been not worth it at best, and gave the discussers a whole new perspective. He told them he would not trade his experience because without such an extreme test, he could not have come to know God the way he did. I may have mentioned this before, but I saw a similar thing in my mother with her arthritis, and in other folks as well. My mother was good before the arthritis. No one on Earth would have given her significant constructive criticism then. But she was a better person and more glad after she went through the whole trial because she had more faith - more than she ever could have known without arthritis. I am glad she went through it, having observed a beautiful woman transform into an angelic one. I obtained the large part of my own faith from what spilled over her brim. So you see, it wouldn't directly matter to me how or why I 'got sugar.'