Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Food Combinations

This will be an on-going work for a time so refer back to it.

I have said that creating any dish is much like making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich: you know how you like it and you just make it without a recipe or measurement because you have fixed it so often. Therefore, I wanted to create this post to highlight some of my best creations, not as recipes, but as general ideas. For example, the Japanese love to eat various things on top of a bowl of white rice and it usually includes meat, onions and ginger. Stated this way, it is a general idea that describes Japanese cuisine. But if you just go off and cook this way, to your own "vulgar independent" (to quote Jane Austin) tastes, without proper training in Authentic Japanese Cooking, well.... you won't be authentic Japanese. Too bad. My, how man loves his traditions! He will hold onto them 1,000 times longer and fiercer than his money or his time.


So I am going to post ideas here. Combinations. Themes. No recipes. Basics that you can add to. Some are single, not combinations, that I want to highlight. Some will be more general, some will be more specific. The first two illustrate this; the first will be general, the second specific:

Raw greens thrown onto the top of hot soup

Green chard and ginger (when I put these two through the juicer, one after the other, and then lick the screen, it is a wonderful lime sherbet foam kind of thing)

chocolate and - squash; apples; brazil nuts; peanuts; almonds; cranberries; raisens; banana;

banana and pumpkin seed

ginger and everything almost

raw vegetable sandwich (don't forget the fresh ginger slice "pickles")

cheese and fresh ginger slice "pickle" sandwich (does Subway have fresh ginger slices in their fixins? This will make millions for somebody)

"raw" oats and raisens (milk optional) - This is a real sugar rocket for diabetics

raw oats and picante sauce

cooked rhubarb and cream (even though I'm not doing cream, it is good)

my favorite: stewed dark purple plums with the peeling still on, in a bowl, with the purple juice swirling with pure 100% unfreakenized cow cream (even though I'm not doing cream)

Baked winter squash in a bowl of cream and chocolate shavings (even though I'm not doing cream)

raw oats or millet or steamed millet - with all the stuff that would normally go into a burrito supreme, sans flour tortilla, in a bowl

steamed millet instead of pasta

pasta made from millet? (never tried this)

tortilla chips made from millet

steamed millet can do anything rice can do, better (for you)

sprouted millet and cooked black beans (keep the juice) and mustard

sprouted millet and cooked kidney beans and curry powder and yeast

baked yam and pecan

wheat grass and sunflower seeds

almonds and collards

nitrite, nitrate-free turkey dogs (DO NOT MICROWAVE OR FRY; EAT FROZEN OR THAW IN WARM WATER OR THEY ARE YUCK) and collards

collard sandwich

sprouts and vegetable sandwich; salad; soup (I love soup with raw sprouts thrown on top and a raw egg too)

misso in your soup - any kind of misso, any kind of soup. use it instead of bouillon which is kyuacky and ka-ka. yellow yeast is good for that too

raw squash

squash juice


Rome apple (best bet for a diabetic, and the quality and flavor really grow on you. satisfying and not to acidic)

organic celery

organic collards

banana and oats

oats and raisens This is really good. To me, it is an oatmeal-raisen cookie. But it is a real sugar spiker for diabetics.

oats and raisens and milk. This is a super sugar spiker. Very tasty.

oats and raisens and milk and chocolate

Fish salad (such as tuna, salmon or sardine) with sprouted millet

sweetchies (boil wheat until it is just ready to pop - no more - use plenty of water and use salt)

sweetchies (still with plenty of the water you boiled it in) with bananas and cream or milk. This will be by far the most satisfying, empowering breakfast many of you will ever try - perhaps even the most yummy. Try substituting the cream or milk with young coconut (as defined as follows)

Young Coconut (take a young coconut and trim the outer husk or whatever they call it, at two ends, to gain better access to the shell. then drill a hole in each of these ends, keeping your finger over the first hole while you drill the second (you'll need head room for this if you use a drill press ;-D) and have a jar handy to drain the liquid into (don't lose a drop). Then cut the whole thing open (like with your wife's biggest, stoutest vegetable knife or meat cleaver and a hammer DO NOT BREAK THE KNIFE - using the axe is a little too messy) and scrape out the meat as thoroughly as possible and add to the liquid. Now blend the whole thing up thoroughly. You now have Young Coconut Milk. It's the best.

a great green salad can be made with green chard, rutebaga and tuscan italian dressing as key ingredients

dip your romaine into nutritional yeast

Romaine with sunflower seeds sprinkled down the middle of the leaf

Spelt/barley/millet sprouts and brown brewer's yeast

Yellow yeast on collard leaves